Left Cultures (Issue 2)
Left Cultures (Issue 2)
Left Cultures is a contemporary space to champion all kinds of voices on the Left, whether that be Socialist, Communist, Anarchist or anything in between. The Left has always been fizzing with ideas to change society and Left Cultures celebrates the Left’s cultural past, discussing gems of storytelling within film, literature, music, art and poetry. It does this by asking culture creators practicing today who are willing to stand up and fight for their beliefs to tell a personal story of how culture from the past has influenced and inspired them. All the points of reference from both past and present come together to make a wonderfully rich, diverse and beautifully illustrated lexicon of Left Culture. As Tony Benn said ‘there is no final victory, as there is no final defeat. There is just the same battle. To be fought, over and over again. So, toughen up, bloody toughen up’.